The Agile Enterprise: Automation and Workflow

The Agile Enterprise: Automation and Workflow

Agility, flexibility and adaptability are all aspirational traits for a "modern" business. They are, in part at least, the intended outcomes from digital transformation. They are however, a very difficult and complex set of capabilities to achieve. Some of that difficulty is cultural of course, in general people resist change. Beyond the cultural though, getting underlying technologies that enable the ability to be agile, flexible and adapt to changing market conditions is a challenge for most businesses (and systems). Many business technology systems in use today are still built in ways that inhibit the ability too rapidly adapt business strategy and operations to changing market conditions. System constraints often create impediments to a successful transformation.

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AI Enabled Analytics? - Zoho Announces New Version of Its  BI Platform

AI Enabled Analytics? - Zoho Announces New Version of Its BI Platform

Zoho has provided a self-serve analytics solution since 2009, making incremental improvements and enhancements along the way. Yesterday they announced a new version of the BI platform that adds some significant new and enhanced capabilities. The platform is made up of four elements:

  • Self-Serve data preparation and management

  • Augmented analytics

  • Data stories

  • Marketplace apps

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