Accelerating Growth with Customer Feedback
The habits of people buying things had shifted in personal shopping decision making and that shift impacted business buying decisions as well. This new learned behavior, conducting your own research online and becoming your own expert, changed what is considered a “trusted” information source and redefined how people make purchase decisions.
Are Your Customers “Lost”?
Today, for a lot of companies and sales teams, there’s a gap between what they think the buyer wants and does, and how the buyer actually behaves. This gap creates bad or incorrect behaviors for the sellers, and creates friction and poor experiences for buyers.
Delivering a "Good" Subscriber Experience
I've written quite a bit about subscriber experience already, so I won't go back through the definition. If you want to read more background you can check out this post I wrote for subscription management supplier Zuora. I will focus more on the why and how in this post. It may seem obvious, but providing a good subscriber experience has many benefits to your company. What does providing a good subscriber experience do for your business?
Why I Broke Up with Evernote After 13 Years
As subscription business models continue to expand I believe it’s time to pay more attention to the subscriber’s experience. Buyer behavior has changed and continues to evolve, but one of the consistent areas that buyers look for is advice on purchase decisions from peers. Since you as a subscription business don’t control that peer channel at all, you have to think through how you can try to leverage that influence channel. A successful subscription business survives long term on renewals, not just new business. Create experiences that encourage customers to advocate for you, or at least have a positive opinion of your brand. Or, said another way, the way you treat your subscribers has a direct impact on your business, positive or negative.